The Soft Microscopy Centre hosts a network for microscopy of soft materials.
The network includes industrial scientists, specialists, research managers and
academic scientists with an interest in applied science and soft microscopy.
The network is a result of the response from the successful industrial workshop at
Chalmers May 5, 2017. The event attracted 40 participants from industry, institutes and academia. The purpose of the microscopy network is to promote knowledge in material microstructure and structure design by microscopy. The network will also inspire new collaborations and strengthen the applied research in the field of structures and properties of soft materials, all based on industrial needs.
The network will illustrate the possibilities of saft microscopy. This includes solving industrial challenges, involving large research facilities and visualising the capabilities of the new forefront microscopes and techniques.
Furthermore, the network aims at strengthening the competence in the field of saft microscopy and will encourage joint projects. The network is led by RISE and Chalmers. It will include a number of activities: two full days meetings every year, one during the spring and one during the autumn. Each meeting will have a theme and include for example:
- Presentations by leading international and national specialists.
- Information and demonstration of advanced microscopy techniques and its possibilities.
- Seminars by researchers at Chalmers and RISE.
- Information about the research environments and infrastructures at Chalmers and RISE.
- Hands-an workshops, discussions and knowledge exchange.
Details of the meetings will be decided jointly by the participants, RISE and Chalmers. Five persons from each network partner (maximum) can participate at the same meeting or session. lf more participants from a partner would like to attend a certain meeting, an additional fee will be charged. In addition, in the network we will also discuss pilot projects with the participants.